Environment variable are used by the system and user to find the location of various path which are initialized at the time of booting operating system on the system.
Facts of Software Engineering People The most important factor in software work is the quality of the programmers. The best programmers are up to 28 times better than the worst programmers. Adding people to a late project makes it later. The working environment has a profound impact on productivity and quality. Tools and Techniques Hype (about tools and technology) is a plague on the house of software. New tools and techniques cause an initial loss of productivity / quality. Software developers talk a lot about tools, but seldom use them. Estimation One of the two most common causes of runaway projects is poor estimation. Software estimation usually occurs at the wrong time. Software estimation is usually done by the wrong people. Software estimates are rarely corrected as the project proceeds. It is not surprising that software estimates are bad. But we live and die by them anyway! There is a disconnect between software management and their programmers. The...
cat /et c/os-release cat /etc/os-release command list down the important information operating system currently used by the system. in Red-hat cat /etc/redhat-release command will work. pstree
Python programming language have many feature as follow 1. Dynamic typing programming 2. Open source programming language 3. Easy to learn 4. Great community of python developers 5. Easily readable 6. Object oriented programming language 7. Cross platform support 8. Python is extensible programming language 9. Functions are first class objects i.e variable can store function Now lets talk about the drawback of Python as follow 1.It is not typesafe language 2.It is slower than many language 3.It is not good for memory intense programming. 4.It programming is not suitable for mobile programming 5.It has more runtime errors due dynamic typing of it.
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